
Sunday, May 22

June 2016

4 (Saturday): We need puppies (and handlers) to attend the FFA convention at the Radisson Airport Hotel (4550 S Palo Verde Road). We set up a table and hand out information on Paws for the Cause and Guide Dogs for the Blind.  The time is from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm. Debbie's asking that all puppies be there for some period of time. If you can’t make it, maybe someone who doesn’t have a puppy could stand in for you. 
5 (Sunday): 4H/training at SAAVI, 2:00 pm. Please bring with you any of the following items: musical instruments (including drums), a pocket pet (e.g., snake, turtle, hamster), balloons to blow up and pop, toys that make noise, an umbrella, hiking pole, brushes and combs, a walker or wheelchair, a weird big hat, masks, gloves, an airline crate, a fan, a squirt bottle. Doesn't this sound fun?!
9 (Thursday): Evals with Deana, location TBD
11 (Saturday): Phoenix Guide Dog Luncheon from 10 am to 2 pm at Tempe Mission Palms Hotel. There is no charge for this luncheon for raisers/sitters/friends,and it’s open to current raisers, sitters, past raisers, future raisers, people with career changes. (Please register if you're going.)
12 (Sunday): no meeting
19 (Sunday): no meeting
26 (Sunday): outing TBD