
Tuesday, November 28

December 2017

2 (Saturday): Oro Valley Hospital with the Girl Scouts, 9-11 am. All puppies are invited.
3 (Sunday): Puppy kindergarten (for younger puppies and their raisers only) at Debbie’s house (5681 N. Chieftan).
8 (Friday): Presentation at Marana HS (12000 W. Emigh Rd., Tucson, AZ  85743), , 10-11 am.
10 (Sunday): Holiday party at SAAVI, 2 pm. Please bring a snack to share and if anyone has a Santa suit that they could bring, please let Debbie know. All puppies/career changes/retired guides are welcome.
14 (Thursday): Visit with Santa at Oro Valley Hospital, 5:30-7 pm. All puppies are invited.
16 (Saturday): (1) Visit to rehab unit at Oro Valley Hospital, 9-11 am. Locke, Sharon, and one more puppy will cover this. (2) Holiday parade, 6:00 pm, downtown, all puppies. There will be a wagon for the younger ones.
17 (Sunday): No meeting.
24 (Sunday): No meeting.
28 (Thursday): Visit to rehab unit at Oro Valley Hospital, 9-noon. Locke and Sharon reporting again, but Debbie is looking for additional puppies.
31 (Sunday): No meeting.